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Fax: 8-015292 3 40 22
E-mail: uos@tut.by

As of September 1, 2008, the educational system of the Smorgon region includes 25 establishments of general education (6579 students) including six secondary schools (4516 students).

-primary school – 5/326 students
-grammar school – 1/741 students
-boarding-school – 1/108 students
-kindergarten-school – 9/888 students
-secondary school-kindergarten – 5/732 students
-primary school-kindergarten – 1/57 students
-elementary school-kindergarten 3/99 students

The educational system of the region also includes the Smorgon Regional Centre of Arts for Children and Youth, the Olympic Reserve Specialized Centre for Children and Youth.

The Smorgon kindergarten-elementary school has two special groups for the sickly children.

Every year the region increases the number of the school students who enter higher educational establishments.

All the schools of the region are equipped with software to carry out management activity. The web-site of Grammar School №3 was recognized as the best web-site of educational establishments at the national contest “Computer. Education. Internet”.

© Smorgon Regional Executive Committee, 2024.